Price Adjustment! Hauck Coulee Ranch
Hobson, Montana
1,836.33 Deeded Acres
640 Acres State Lease
Easy Access
Located just South of Ackley Lake
Three Developed Springs
Property Video
The Hauck Coulee Ranch is located just 7 miles southwest of Hobson, near Ackley Lake. The property is conveniently located on both Bellview Road, on the west, and Ackley Lake Road, on the east. The five fenced pastures are used for 150 pairs from May 1 to October 1. The ranch has three developed springs with tanks and two miles of Hauck Coulee. There are 310 acres of cropland used for small grains and 226 acres used for improved pasture. In 2023 the 640 acres of State lease cost just $1,803, it is located at the south end of the property and includes one of the water tanks.
$ 15,460.64
per month- Principal and Interest
- Property Tax
$ 12,016.89