Sold! Antelope Creek Ranch

Asking Price $5,490,000

  • 3,476.55 deeded acres
  • 520 State Lease acres
  • 16 miles from Hobson
  • 450 acre of Tilled Land
  • Deer, Antelope, Sharp-tails, Huns, and Pheasants
  • Over 2 miles of West Fork Antelope Creek, Springs, and a Well

Antelope Creek Ranch is just under 5,000 acres of open land all in one block on the shadows of the Little Belt Mountains. The ranch and the Little Belts are in a general tag area for Elk which is a huge benefit. Agriculturally, the ranch can be utilized in various ways either year round or seasonally. The 400 plus acres of tillable lands along the brushy creek bottoms if rotated with grains, alfalfa, and sainfoin would dramatically improve the production and the upland bird and deer populations. In summary, the Antelope Creek Ranch is an excellent opportunity to own land in one of Central Montana more desirable areas. A new owner can operate a sizable cattle operation or enjoy the recreation on and off the ranch.

Please note: A Forest Service Grazing Permit for 119 head in the Little Belt Mountains is available for purchase. In addition, 81 Bred Cows, 46 Bred Heifers, 21 Heifer Yearlings, and 24 Bulls are available for purchase.

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